Author: Chris Cooper | Football Finery.
On March 1st 2024, Football Finery celebrated its one year anniversary since officially launched. The past 12-months have flown by. Gone, in a flash! After a couple of years selling on eBay previously, it's been fantastic to finally get our online vintage football store live and the Football Finery dream underway.
So what have we been up to?
Over the past year we've grown our stock to more than 800 shirts and have proudly showcased our bulging collections to our growing mailing list and followers via our weekly stock drops.
To complement our vintage shirts, we've started to curate a range of Fab Footy Merch, supporting small independent producers & artists such as Oliver Johnson, Glove & Whistle, Retro Laces, Kit Cubes, Browner's Buckets & Galactico's Pins. Oh, and we have added a digital gift card and a shirt framing service to our offering too.
Our stalls at the Retro Football Fair events in Birmingham, Liverpool and Sheffield have been a fantastic experience, giving us the opportunity to meet so many of you face-to-face. You'll be pleased to know we have more 'Pop-Ups' in the diary over the coming months, including events in both London and Bristol.

More recently, we were delighted to become the first 'authenticated seller' to use the fabulous new AI-driven counterfeit detection tool by KiTLEGiT. We think this is a fantastic addition to the vintage shirt market, giving much needed peace of mind to buyers. We are proud to be partnering with them. You can read more about their company here.

#authenticitymatters #spotthefake #kitlegit #footballfinery
Finally, and most importantly, a huge THANK YOU to all of you, our fabulous shirt community. Quite simply, you make what we do possible. Your support has been overwhelming and we are so very grateful. We are learning every day how we can establish ourselves as a permanent part of the brilliant kit community and are loving every minute of it. Bring on the next 12 months!
Chris & the Football Finery Team 😀